Latest figures from the UK Birth & Death Registry confirm that the most common baby boy name for 2009 was Mohammed (or any variation
most common boys names 2009
of that spelling)
What is the most common most common boys names 2009 baby Boys name for 2009 so far? ChaCha Answer: The top 10 boys names so far this year are Jacob, Michael, Jos.
and here's one that has the 100 most common boy names: http://french.about.com/library/travel/bl-fr . Search September 2009 Birth Club
The most common boys name is David then right behind is Michael.
Since it is still 2009, there is no official name list yet, but here is a link to the 100 most common boys and girls names of 2008: http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists .
Play the 2,000 Most Common Baby Names (2009) Quiz on . in each group, ranked by 2009 popularity. For example, "1-10" has the 10 most popular boys & 10 most popular girls names .
The most common names for 2009? . girl, and the most common middle name is . Most Popular
Boy names in the early 1800's? What do you think are the most common baby .
Most common names of twin boys in the United States, 2009.
Most Common Names of Twin Boys - Most common names of twin boys in the United States, 2009. Most Common Names of Twin Girls - Most common names of twins in the United States, 2009.
Popular Names by Birth Year For a list of the most popular names for a particular year of birth (any year after 1879), enter the year and the length of the popularity .
2009; 2008; 2007; 2006; 2005; 2004; 2003; 2002; 2001; 2000; Privacy; Most Common Baby Names. Top
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